Attorney Agent Program

Residential Title Insurance

Amount of InsuranceRateAmount of InsuranceRateAmount of InsuranceRateAmount of InsuranceRate
$200,000 or Less$2,050$400,001 to $410,000$2,470$600,001 to $610,000$2,895$800,001 to $810,000$3,295
$200,001 to $210,000$2,070$410,001 to $420,000$2,490$610,001 to $620,000$2,915$810,001 to $820,000$3,315
$210,001 to $220,000$2,090$420,001 to $430,000$2,510$620,001 to $630,000$2,935$820,001 to $830,000$3,335
$220,001 to $230,000$2,110$430,001 to $440,000$2,530$630,001 to $640,000$2,955$830,001 to $840,000$3,355
$230,001 to $240,000$2,130$440,001 to $450,000$2,550$640,001 to $650,000$2,975$840,001 to $850,000$3,375
$240,001 to $250,000$2,150$450,001 to $460,000$2,570$650,001 to $660,000$2,995$850,001 to $860,000$3,395
$250,001 to $260,000$2,170$460,001 to $470,000$2,590$660,001 to $670,000$3,015$860,001 to $870,000$3,415
$260,001 to $270,000$2,190$470,001 to $480,000$2,610$670,001 to $680,000$3,035$870,001 to $880,000$3,435
$270,001 to $280,000$2,210$480,001 to $490,000$2,630$680,001 to $690,000$3,055$880,001 to $890,000$3,455
$280,001 to $290,000$2,230$490,001 to $500,000$2,650$690,001 to $700,000$3,075$890,001 to $900,000$3,475
$290,001 to $300,000$2,250$500,001 to $510,000$2,695$700,001 to $710,000$3,095$900,001 to $910,000$3,495
$300,001 to $310,000$2,270$510,001 to $520,000$2,715$710,001 to $720,000$3,115$910,001 to $920,000$3,515
$310,001 to $320,000$2,290$520,001 to $530,000$2,735$720,001 to $730,000$3,135$920,001 to $930,000$3,535
$320,001 to $330,000$2,310$530,001 to $540,000$2,755$730,001 to $740,000$3,155$930,001 to $940,000$3,555
$330,001 to $340,000$2,330$540,001 to $550,000$2,775$740,001 to $750,000$3,175$940,001 to $950,000$3,575
$340,001 to $350,000$2,350$550,001 to $560,000$2,795$750,001 to $760,000$3,195$950,001 to $960,000$3,595
$350,001 to $360,000$2,370$560,001 to $570,000$2,815$760,001 to $770,000$3,215$960,001 to $970,000$3,615
$360,001 to $370,000$2,390$570,001 to $580,000$2,835$770,001 to $780,000$3,235$970,001 to $980,000$3,635
$370,001 to $380,000$2,410$580,001 to $590,000$2,855$780,001 to $790,000$3,255$980,001 to $990,000$3,655
$380,001 to $390,000$2,430$590,001 to $600,000$2,875$790,001 to $800,000$3,275$990,001 to $1,000,000$3,675
$390,001 to $400,000$2,450

Over $1,000,000.00 please call for a quote  **THESE RATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME**

**Rates are based on the purchase price or loan amount, whichever is greater**

Rates & Charges

Rates & charges set forth herein apply to routine residential orders.  Additional charges may be made for extra risk or additional processing for difficult or unusual transactions.

New Construction/Construction Escrows

Heritage Title provides services in connection with new construction, including mechanic’s & material lien waiver examinations, interim certification & construction loan escrow.  Rates will be quoted upon request.

Escrow Maintenance Fee

For escrows held open for more than 12 months,there will be an escrow maintenance fee of $300per year. An hourly fee will be charged for escrow inquires.
** Copies of documents provided on request for an additional charge **

Interim Risk Protection

$75 plus .50 per 1000 over $100,000

Escrow Services

Over $500,000, please add $50 for each $50,000 increment

For closings conducted outside the normal workday, there will be an additional minimum charge of $150 per hour.

For closing services on multiple loans, there will be an additional fee of $300/min. per lender closing statement.